Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why we're moving to Laos (and some videos)

The big move is nearly here.  Alex is leaving in less than two weeks and it's all starting to feel very, very real.

How we are feeling these days.
To me, it all feels remarkably like the summer before leaving for college.  So much anticipation while having no clue what to really expect.  Leaving the comfort and security of home for something that is clearly a new chapter in life and will undoubtedly change us.  All of it is extremely exciting while terribly sad and somewhat frightening.  Also, goodbyes really, really suck.

Why are we doing this?
First and foremost, it's a tremendously great career opportunity for Alex. Working 'in the field' is the type of meaningful work she joined the UN to do.  She is hoping to do some truly good work for the people there, working directly with the Laos UXO program and literally making the everyday life of people there more safe and secure.

Additionally, the timing was pretty much perfect. In going back to school earlier this year, I was no longer bound by my career.  I specifically chose to study an online master's program as we had a pretty good idea we wanted to move somewhere kind of far away.  Not yet having children also made this easier. Oh, and we will get to travel.  A lot!

However, the real reason we are doing this is that between Alex's work and the teaching/volunteer work I will be doing, Alex and I will have a chance to truly be of service to the world at large in some small way.  It's hard to put into words why this is so important to us, but it is.  I'm sure there will be many posts on this blog relating to exactly that in the months/years ahead.

Ok, enough of that.

Good news - we have temporary housing.
For the first month in Laos - we will be staying at a small hotel.  Check here to see it.  Great news in that we'll have the internet from day 1 so we won't feel so isolated during our first few days.  Also, it has a pool and a gym.  Sweet!

From the first weekend we are there we will begin the process of finding a long term house. Excited about having an actual house with backyard for Buddy.

Some videos of Laos.
Anthony Bourdain did a trip to Laos.  Check it out if you want to see what it looks like and care to learn more about the country itself.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

That's it for now.

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