Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Long overdue update from Laos.

Hi all - we only had intermittent access to the internet for awhile and now that its back this post is way overdue. 

First off - it's insane what we've seen on the news and from our Facebook feeds regarding Hurricane Sandy.  It always seems like the media overhypes these things but the sense from here is that things, if anything, were worse than predicted.  Our thoughts are with all of you and Alex and I wish we could be there to help in some way.

As far as things over here, it's been a very interesting first two weeks to say the least.

As I mentioned on Facebook at some point, after 20 hours of flying we arrived in Bangkok.  Here's some photographic evidence of that.

First picture - right as we departed the plane in Bangkok.

Bags, Buddy and all.
Buddy's ID for the plane.  He is friendly.

Our 24 hours in Bangkok coincided with Alex's birthday so we treated ourselves to a suite at the Conrad Hilton Hotel.  Amazingly enough, also in Bangkok for one night, and staying in the same hotel was my college roommate Ryan and his fiancĂ© Andrea - both of whom were en route back to Germany from a month long trip in Australia. 

In the morning, we set off for what was expected to be an 8 hour drive to Vientiane, but ended up being 14.  All the while, we had to have buddy's crate on top of the van as there wasn't enough room with all of our luggage.  The crate had these giant 'LIVE ANIMAL' stickers all over it from the flight and even though buddy was in the car with us, definitely looked like we were pulling a Mitt Romney-dog-on-the-car trick.

Buddy Mobile

We came into Laos via the Friendship Bridge connecting Thailand and Laos.  My initial impression after crossing was that Laos seemed like North Korea compared to the Westernized Thai side of the border.  My next thought was 'wow, there is no corporate advertizing here at all - awesome!'.   Well, except for the ubiquitous Lao Beer signs everywhere.  Everywhere.  

We stayed the first 5-6 days in temporary housing.  It wasn't too shabby.

Our piece of home we brought here.

My new best friend.

Then we moved into our permanent home.  I'm not going to lie - it's absolutely gorgeous.  It's hard not to feel like we live in paradise.  But, I think its also emblematic of this country in that such opulence is completely surrounded by abject poverty.  Our neighbors quite literally live in tin shacks (which I did not feel comfortable photographing as I didn't want to disrespect them in any way).  It's hard not to feel guilty but makes me feel that much more determined to do serious volunteer work here to give back in some way.

Front Porch



After moving in, Alex had picked up a bad cold and between that and work she's been a bit out of it.  However, today she finally started to feel better and had off of work for Buddhist Lent, which is a huge holiday here.  Essentially, it consists of crazy drunk Lao people boat racing on the Mekong and setting off fireworks all over the place.  We thought it would be an ideal day to take our first side trip, to Buddha Park, about 45 minutes east of Vientiane.  

This group of Chinese dudes ran up to us wanting to take our picture, so we returned the favor.

Afterwards we went out to dinner at Lao Gardens, which is looking like our go-to restaurant here as it's just down the road.  It was a beautiful night following a near perfect 75 degree, no humidity day which hopefully will be very common during the dry season, which lasts from November - February.

As we were finishing dinner I think it finally sunk in that we will be living here for at least the next two years.  And I'm very happy about that.  This place is so beautiful, both aesthetically and culturally.  The laid back nature and friendliness of the people is a welcome change from NYC and really suits my personality in a way NYC did not (though believe me, I miss home!).   I can't help but feel at peace and content here and I can't wait to experience it more fully each day.

Love and miss you all!
Pat (and of course Alex, too).


  1. hey, very cool pictures ;)

  2. Na endlich! I´m glad you love it. It looks amazing!!!
    Bussi Dagi

  3. Amazing! Very happy for you guys! I love the house! (but who would not, right?.. ;)) yanickh

  4. Don't get lost in your big house! Good luck you have buddy with you, to find you everywhere.
    Greetings from Vienna
    Toni & Karin
